Africans arise!

""Well, the smiley guy above, Dr James Watson, (who's a Nobel Prize winning genetic scientist by the way.., a pioneers in DNA science apparently,) caused quite a stir last week. All sides of the PC brigade, including the perennially pissed Black Activists & etc, were up in arms, fighting to stuff the proverbial gag down the old buggers throat. The rage was in response to a scientific, 'observation,' our Dr Watson is said to have made... Basically, he felt that, all objective research he's had access to in his career, leaves him convinced of the fact that, the Negro race is less intelligent than its Caucasoid counterpart.
Now, before Y'all go off eating Your head wear, I would like to start by noting that I, for one, do see quite some sense in our good doctor's sentiments! So much so, that I've decided to don Dr James Watson, one of my honorary, 'Patron,' mudzimu, a flag bearer in the African's current struggle to remember her relevance...
I mean firstly, it is important to understand that, in an objective sense, there is nothing wrong with someone's being bold enough to draw our attention to aspects they perceive as physiological differences, between the races that comprise our species! In fact, this is a discussion that is, these days, often suppressed, in the interests of 'correctness..,' yet we all know how feelings that are not at least expressed, often turn into the more dangerous feelings, such as resentment and hatred. I mean lets be real people, as Africans, don't we all relate to the fact that our Western cousins' womenfolk, 'generally,' exhibit a less pronounced figure in that all important, 'booty,' department..? Off course, we don't consider it racist to speak on this topic, in fact often revelling in this, 'generalisation,' the many times we point it out!? Alas, if only there was some doctorate in Bootology to validate our great understanding in this matter! (Hello '...honkies have no rhythm...'!??)
To be fair, racism is based on such sweeping generalisations.., and despite the fact such generalisations are in themselves dangerous to make.., really, it is when we begin to prejudge individuals we encounter based on these generalisation, that it becomes racism. When we interact with someone based on prejudgement, we deprive them the opportunity to be an individual.., and in the process, often deprive ourselves of potentially enriching experiences... (hello Rhodies!)
Anyway, what I am in essence trying to say is that, there was nothing wrong with Dr Watson presenting his, 'hypothesis'! As a man who's spent most of his time studying the so-called, building blocks of human physiology, (these, 'genes..,') isn't he reasonably placed to make an objective observation on such matters..? However, it is important to start by noting that there are two aspects to his assertion;
Of course he is firstly stating that, his studies show him that there is a genetic/physiological DIFFERENCE, in terms of intellect, between the two races.., This is in my view, a fair point, and one that would be supported by most other scientific observation at our disposal. In this, I am referring to the fact that we, as human beings, should start openly acknowledging and exploring the fact that, there are physiological differences between races in our species. I mean, beyond the 'ass' assertion already laboured above, comparative variation in melanin content between these two races, is in itself another outward, physiological manifestation, of a difference that exists on the genetic level. So, on this aspect, I essentially agree with, and applaud, Doctor Watson's 'boldness.'
Now, there is a second element to Dr Watson's observation. This is in the fact his statements also imply that, his observations leave him convinced the African is LESS intelligent than the Westerner.., Now this, this I find most interesting indeed.., a QUALITATIVE / QUANTITATIVE deduction... I mean what he is saying here is that, by his EVALUATION, the physiological DIFFERENCE in intellect he has observed, is TIPPED in a way that puts the Westerner at an ADVANTAGE... ie, there is a difference, and this difference is in the favour of the Westerner.
Now I'm sure Y'all can sense where I'm going with this... To help us, we could quickly turn to that, 'great,' Western, 'intellect,' Einstein, with his theory of RELATIVITY.., ie; when You propose that a DIFFERENCE between two points, may be balanced in the FAVOUR of one of these sides, You must always remember that; i) the, 'perception,' of what counts as being an advantage, will differ, depending on position, relative to the sides, from which You make Your evaluation.., and that ii) In arriving at Your deduction, You may be depending on a unit/value of evaluation that may in reality, only be uniquely relevant to Yourself! So simply put, what I am asking is, by whose authority/values/standard, is Doctor Watson concluding that, between his two, 'versions,' of human intellect, the Africans' proves inferior?
It is on this point that Doctor Watson proves himself bullsh%t, racist, supremacist and imperialist all at once.., in that, his assertion proposes whatever his value of measurement is, as absolute! Madness... This is why I found this whole kafaffule extremely interesting.., in that it exposes the deeper level on which racism actually resides. This almost instinctive assumption by Westerners that their units of value are the absolutes... (think when they decide to launch vessels into space, beaming all types of radiation via our collective atmosphere.., I'd be surprised to learn of any African who's ever been included in the conversation on the intelligence of such actions...) Fortunately, on another level, this also highlighted to me the true area through which the African continues to be kept under the Westerner's colonial control... The African lives, and evaluates, his life against a value system that is not his own.
To fully understand this, lets go back to this issue of genetics. So far, we have sort of sketched out a scenario in which we more or less observe the African, (predominantly negroid,) to variously be genetically different to the Westerner, (read Caucasoid.) We've also seen how such differences are often construed to further supremacist views. Now it would be wrong to front like Dr Watson and his fellow Westerners are alone in this area of racial supremacy..! Black supremacists are another quite well known faction! The 'Anti-Watson's' of sorts!
Now, I want to point out something such fellows may find quite alarming indeed... Basically most Black supremacists base their position on the scientific findings that show Africa, (and hence the aboriginal African,) as the ancestral cradle of human life. What they seem to ignore, is the fact that today's Negroid is in reality, mostly descendant of the Nubic-Bantu, a relatively modern Negroid strand.., (that became distinguishable in parts of North-East Africa around 10 000 BC.) More so, genetically, this Negroid strand is more than likely a cross between the earlier, aboriginal African already outlined, and.., (hold on to Your seats for this..,) a Caucasoid influence that migrated across the Red Sea, into the horn of East Africa around 15 000BC* (*The Roots of the Bantu - A Chigwedere - ISBN 0-7974-1852-0)
I wont delve too deeply into this history here, (as all the resources one needs to learn more on this subject, are easily 'googleable,' via Your very same PC..,) but for starters, physiologically, today's negroid displays a broader range of height variance within its members, than would be expected if she were purely descendant of the aboriginal African, (who were pygmy/dwarf-like in stature.) After 10 000BC, the negroid that's then seen to spread across the African continent, (eventually swallowing up, and overshadowing, its dwarf-like aboriginal predecessor,) is the actual forefather of today's Negro.
Now, although this resultant Negro does exhibit some features imparted by the Caucasoid influence, a few generations of interbreeding down the line, ensured the prevailing dominance of its majority, aboriginal, genes.
This is significant in that it implies that, of the many races walking the earth today, the Negro is likely the most direct genetic descendant of the aboriginal African... Hence, (leading from the inference of Africa being the cradle of life,) its sensible to deduce that, today's Negro race, may safeguard the gene pool most closely related to this planet's earliest evolutionary source. In other words, today's African could be said to have the strongest rooting in the original, native gene pool of this planet... ie, in their most natural state, Negroes may genetically have been better suited to co-existing harmoniously within the habitat of this planet...
As we reflect on that, lets return to our good friend Watson.., as this point is important for today's Negro to understand! It is actually great that this Western scientist is making it possible to openly have this conversation! Maybe this will bring Negroes back to terms with the simple, commonsense knowledge-of-self, that's eluded them for the longest time. Returning to his assertion concerning a superiority of Western intelligence.., so far, we've objectively built a case that, hypothetically, supports part of his assertion, in that, yes, we agree there may be a difference between the two races' intelligences.
However, (in light of our effort to trace the genetic roots of today's African,) could we then, not also now say the following; from the point-of-view of suitability, to naturally, & sustainably, thrive within this planet's ecology, the African's intelligence may likely be better suited? (In that African intelligence, may, genetically, be the one closer linked to the earliest, harmonic ecology that allowed life on this planet to thrive in the first place..?)
As You see, there is a difference in our assertion here, because, unlike Dr Watson, we have qualified it with a point of reference.., "from the point-of-view," Even more-so, could we not also say, the African's intelligence is likely to be the best suited to cope with life in the environment of Africa?
I mean, a simple parallel lies in the obvious aspect of the variance in melanin levels, source of the two races' distinct skin complexions. From the point-of-view of most of the life-forms native to this planet, melanin is crucial to harmonising interactions with sunlight. Hence in this aspect, in line with most other earth-native species, we see the African exhibiting a well suited genetic default.., never really requiring the aid of, 'artificially,' fabricated sun-creams so common among Westerners. Off course, some scientist argue that Africans' levels of melanin puts them at disadvantage in regions where sunlight is less abundant.., (in respect to synthesis of vitamin D..,) however, this again highlights the importance of the point-of-reference, when making comparative judgements.
In closing, we've seen through all this, that, in order for a group of people to weigh something, they must first agree on a common point of reference, and/or, unit of measurement... A point that may be very important for today's African to grasp. He who controls the scales, controls the sale. Do today's Africans truly have their own unit of self-value..? And because we have seen that in determining a unit of evaluation, having a point of reference is crucial.., can we not see that, by conditioning us out of the knowledge, (and appreciation,) of our true relevance, (our true significance in the picture of life as it exists on this planet,) we have been left open to our current condition.., a condition in which we weigh out all aspects of our self-worth, based on a value system that is largely alien to us.
Today's African, strives to achieve and measure their, 'progress,' against a value-system that definitely belongs to the Western genetic strand. We need to STOP. Externalising the values and beliefs of, 'the natives,' was always the front-line of attack, in the Weterners' process of colonial aggression.., be it on the spiritual, language, economic or educational levels. Once someone starts to evaluate themselves by a standard whose tone You dictate, (more so when they even begin to subconsciously accept it as the only possible, universal, standard,) You do not even need to remain present to keep them under Your control! You can be far away, and rest assured Your subjects will police themselves, even passing Your values on to their own future off-spring! (hello Y'all Africans with dodgy Catholic names!)
I would like to assert that, the only way today's African can achieve real progress, is by taking charge of re-aligning himself with his true genetic self-worth. We must remember who we are, and remember our own native values... We must redefine the units against which we measure our progress as a race. As long as the continent continues to aspire to this Western, synthetic and materialistic concepts of, 'development,' the African will continue to be a second rate citizen, trapped in a never-ending game of catch-up. For starters, this whole, "money," system.., a system we place so much confidence in, despite the fact we have very little say in its operation..? It's all like trying to win a game in which Your opponent is the only one allowed to dictate the rules!
Africa wake up! What values were of real importance to those long gone, original African ancestors of ours.., that foremost gene pool, fore-runner of all races that call this planet home..? That creature that lived sustainably, among, and at one, with its surroundings..? It seems in a way, we must all let our dominant, (but now dormant,) African genes, temper the Western influence.., which is now currently threatening all our chances of continued existence on this planet...
So that African intelligence will rise to prominence once again.
Thanks again dear Watson..!
Signed, Sherlock""