Tuesday 2 October 2007

Mugabe blaming non-existent Sanctions!?!?

It seems some of the Coons on the Oppressor's paycheck, have activated an attempt to suppress the real facts, about the nature of the sanctions Zimbabwe has been under. For the benefit of all, here is a link to an official US government site, on which you can personally examine the ZIDERA Act of 2001;
(the Zimbabwe, "Democracy," and Economic, "Recovery," Act of 2001)
This is one amongst many measures the Oppressor is using to constrain the day-to-day life, of common Zimbabweans. Notice how the sanctions described here, (despite the reverse Political language used to candy-coat them,) are not as, "smart," as many have been made to believe. The language clearly indicates a new financial attitude to, "Zimbabwe," as a nation,(see section 4c, for eg)
The fact Zimbabwe, as a nation, is under sanctions, is not an excuse for the economic pressure the People are bearing.., It is one of the reasons. Lets us be the ones who are, "smart."

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