Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Mugabe's new "CIO" Hit-Team!?!

Wow, there is so much hatred in this cyber-world!! I've only blogged for 3 weeks and already I've got all the crazies coming out the wood work to spew hate, make threats and generally show the real racism that exists in our society! As I sit here in my humble Highfields abode, I've had 10 or so emails about how I am part of the dreaded "CIO"... how I'm a "Mugabe Crony" etc etc... Wow, for people who claim to have fled, 'tyranny,' to relocate in so-called Western 'democracys,' many seem to have a real problem with someone holding a view point different to the "Rhodie" or "BBC" status-co!

Have a read!

(YouTube Comment) Nigs in zimbabwe sit on some of the worlds best coal and they can't keep the lights on. Walk miles to carry water on their lice ridden heads because only whites can clean water. If you try to teach a nig to fish he will eat the bait, strangle someone with the line and give the hook to his baby to play with.

(Email) And now the West will have to feed these stupid niggers! Stop breeding and get off your lazy asses. These retarded nigs just sit there poking the ground with sticks and wondering how the white man made food pop out of the ground. Let them eat cake!

(Email) Zanoid C.I.O scum! you will hang with your master hahaha!!

YouTube Comment Stupid nigger! Bet you wish you had some food the white man didn't make. Bet you wish you had a roof over your nappy head, the white man didn't build. All niggers have AIDS and an IQ that would be called retarded by any other race. You shit skins can't even make it in 1st world countries because you are too damn retarded. Everyone thinks so even if they don't say it. LOL

Incredible! Anyway for every negative comment are 10 positive! Just like they have a "right" to say what they like, so do I!!


cybergrace said...

It seems like a lot of the negative comments are made by the same iq-challenged person. Keep up the good work, thank you for educating us to all the things the mainstream media leaves out.

Unknown said...


I am a white Zimbabwean though I havent been living there for quite some time. Im interested in your view point that Mugabe was/is right. I understand that the British were hugely wrong and did the same thing Mugabe is doing. Though I do get the impression that the only people benefiting from "land redistribution" are his incredibly wealthy ministers and friends. If this is not the case, why are there 2 million black Zimbabweans in South Africa earning a living there instead of Zimbabwe. Im not out to have a fight, merely to hear your views.
Please enlighten me
